I am extremwly gratefull for haircut and hair colour that has beeen chosen for me. I must say that Raminta is highly skilled hairdresser that has many years of experience. She can perfectly advise the cut best for you as well as hair colour. She has pwrceft english skills so do not hesitate to ask for her.she will gladly help you and guide you in your choices!
Raminta,thank you so much for your advices, all my family was impressed by cut and hair colour. That was the best compliment to hear!
Paslaugą atliko Raminta•Moterų plaukų šaknų dažymas
dalia•prieš beveik 3 metus
Puiki atmosfera, kokybiška paslauga.
Paslaugą atliko Raminta•Vyriškas kirpimas
Anonimas•prieš beveik 3 metus
Отличный мастер. Оценила всю ситуацию. Объяснила как лучше сделать в соответсвии с моим запросом. Сделала все очень аккуратно и качественно. Очень вежливая и милая. Пойду к ней ещё раз:)
Paslaugą atliko Ramune•Moterų plaukų šaknų dažymas