Our kitchenhelper Maria 👩🏼🍳 She has been in the beauty industry for about 5 years. She enjoys drawing and cooking Maria is the owner of a cat :)
Being chemical engineer, Ludmila also has such an experience as 9 years in choreography! And she is definitely able to distinguish battement from frappe👌 Ludmila travelled all over Belarus on a motorcycle with her husband, and she's got a 10-year old son. Now Ludmila is nail instructor, she's already taught many successful nail technician.👩🍳
Margarita is a master of manicure and pedicure from Vilnius. She speaks Lithuanian, Russian and English (a little bit). Margarita is passionate about beauty, she loves learning new things. Margarita has 3 children and 3 dogs, she loves to travel 🌞
Veronika is a master from Belarus. She speaks Belarusian, Russian, Lithuanian and English (a little).
Palepinkite savo nagus Kitchen nail studio, kuri yra įsikūrusi Vilniuje. Manikiūras, gelinis nagų lakavimas bei nagų priauginimas - tai tik kelios šio puikaus nagų salono siūlomų paslaugų.
Artimiausias viešasis transportas:
Saloną yra lengva pasiekti troleibusais: 6, 12 (Trakų st.).
Meistrė yra patyrusi ir kruopšti savo darbo specialistė, kuri užtikrins kokybiškai atliktas paslaugas bei profesionalų aptarnavimą.
Kas mums patinka: