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Paslaugą atliko Oleksandra🇺🇦•Ilgalaikis gelinis manikiuras
Justė•prieš apie 2 mėnesius
Viskas super, labai gera meistrė, rekomenduoju! ❤️
Paslaugą atliko Oleksandra🇺🇦•Ilgalaikis gelinis manikiuras
Gabrielė•prieš apie 2 mėnesius
Kruopščiai ir greitai atliktas manikiūras
Ilgalaikis gelinis manikiuras
Laura•prieš apie 2 mėnesius
Meistrė Jana, greita ir maloni, kruopšti. Ačiū už manikiūrą. 😊
Ilgalaikis gelinis manikiuras
Patricija•prieš apie 2 mėnesius
Oleksandra was really focused, attentive and she did well with manicure. She also has good coloring skills BUT she puts a lot of gel/top/color on your nail so it makes nails super big and thick. I am sad that I did not raise this concern to her directly, maybe we could have found a solution, but now, I feel that I cannot ‘unsee’ it and I dont like then my nails are big. So it is worth give her a try but make sure to monitor how much stuff she puts on your nails.
Paslaugą atliko Oleksandra🇺🇦•Ilgalaikis gelinis manikiuras