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Lina•prieš daugiau nei 4 metus
Puikiai atliktas darbas! Nepaprastai kruopsti meistre, kuri akivaizdziai myli savo darba. 100 balu!
Permanentinis makiažas
Beatrice•prieš daugiau nei 4 metus
Oksana was really sweet, personable and so easy to work with. She also made you feel so comfortable which is really important. You could tell from the moment you met her that she knew exactly what she was doing and that she loves her job : ) She was also very accommodating when it came to scheduling our trial since.She really did an amazing job.I would highly recommend her to anyone.
Paslaugą atliko Oksana Pikul - Jasaitienė•Makiažas