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Ilgalaikis gelinis manikiuras
Ema•prieš beveik 7 metus
I had a manicure at Dominyka and can rate 5 star for me! My nails are very neat after 5 days, and that is highly important for me since I work as a massage therapist. Dominyka is one of the nail artists with whose work I am very pleased. Plus, she told me essentials during manicure and gave a piece of advice after. Highly recommend the salon for their client-orieneted approach and Dominyka for her great work done.
Marina•prieš beveik 7 metus
Servisas super, tik vėsoka žiemą:))
Ilgalaikis gelinis manikiuras
Diana•prieš beveik 7 metus
Labai profesionalūs ir draugiški darbuotojai. Pačiame salone labai šalta.
Ilgalaikis gelinis manikiuras
Simona•prieš beveik 7 metus
Dominyka yra superinė darbuotoja! Yra ką pašnekėti, ir darbą atlieka ypatingai kruopščiai. 5/5 dar noriu sugrįžt