Labai maloni ir atsakinga meistrė. Gerbia klientą. Rezultatas puikus.
Paslaugą atliko Monika
Justina•prieš daugiau nei 3 metus
Puikiai sutvarkė antakius. Rekomenduoju! 🖤
Paslaugą atliko Monika
Er•prieš daugiau nei 3 metus
Labai maloni meistre
Paslaugą atliko Monika
Agnija•prieš daugiau nei 3 metus
Asked to make Beach waves ( believed that this is simple curls), the girl said that she can’t do it because she know how to do only simple curls. Moreover, the girl even did not make a straight line for the hair and had to point out to do it at least several times. To add, she said that she does not do even a simple volume for hair.
Regarding the make up, noted that the make up should last from morning to evening. After lunch eye shadows disappeared.
Girl is unprofessional and unpleasant.
Paslaugą atliko Monika
Kateryna•prieš daugiau nei 3 metus
Esu patenkinta 120 %, meistrė labai dėmesinga, kruopšti, garbanos laikė puikiai, tikrai grįšiu, kai bus kita šventė!