Nuostabus salonas ir empatiškas, profesionalus, pozityvus Kevin!
Paslaugą atliko Kevin
Dalia•prieš daugiau nei metus
Profesionalus ir malonus vizitas. Ačiū. Esu labai patenkinta savo nauju kirpimu, kurį man parinko Kevin.
Paslaugą atliko Kevin
Dalia•prieš daugiau nei metus
Kevin was extremely attentive and listened carefully to what I was asking for in a haircut. He got the idea after seeing 2 photos and repeated the haircut I wanted perfectly! It's a tiny place so there's only one chair and no other guests. The music was great which meant no need for awkward small talk. Kevin created a very peaceful and relaxing environment. It was a lovely experience and I would definitely recommend.